Have you heard of Google’s new “+1″ button? It parallels the Facebook ‘Like’ button and strengthens Google’s grasp on social media and their attempts to deliver personal, customized, relevant search results.
There is a big difference between Facebook’s system of liking posts and Google’s button, and it has its own unique implications for SEO and blogs, Adwords users, and how you present your business to the masses. For SEO adopters and bloggers, the worry is that a site that isn’t getting “+1s” will be pushed down the search results in favor of sites that are more heavily “liked.” Users can also “+1″ AdWords ads, and although at this time Google says that they won’t use that against their advertisers, they are collecting a lot of information about what ads their users like which we can bet they will find some significant use for.
Check out “Google’s New +1 Button” article, which we just posted on HeroWeb.com, for the complete run down on how you can use this new development to your advantage, as well as these and other pitfalls to be aware of.
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